Good points made, but I fear the warming is actually higher than your article points out if you take the pre-Industrial baseline from 1880-1920 as does NASA Goddard Space Studies scientists like Professor James Hansen. That puts our average warming over pre-Industrial in the last nine years (also last 9 warmest ever) at 1.18 °C . Same trend as your numbers, but just worse in terms of result -- see table below and link for explanation as to baseline.
Table 1. Rank of 10 warmest years in the instrumental record
1. 2020 1.29
2. 2016 1.28
3. 2019 1.24
4. 2017 1.19
5. 2015 1.165
6. 2022 1.162
7. 2021 1.12
8. 2018 1.12
9. 2014 1.01
10. 2010 .99
*Based on GISS temperature analysis. (°C above 1880-1920 pre-Industrial baseline) – James Hansen, Makiko Sato, and Reto Ruedy